Thomas Baker of Leamington
May 8 2018

Picture: Robert Mulraine
Here's a wonderful development in the world of digital art history; Robert Mulraine has created an online database of the works of the British artist, Thomas Baker. Baker is not exactly a household name, but was a talented landscape artist of the early-mid 19th Century, and also a scrupulous diarist. He made a detailed record, usually with a thumbnail sketch, of every work he made, which has allowed Robert Mulraine to track down his works all over the world.
The latest example of a lost Baker re-discovered, as discussed on the blog of Robert's son, James Innes-Mulraine, was identified in a sale in the south of France, misattributed to Thomas Barker. By comparing it to Baker's diaries, Robert and James were able to confirm their connoisseurial hunch.