London Art Week goes Digital

June 16 2020

Image of London Art Week goes Digital

Picture: LAW

Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

London Art Week 2020 has announced that it is launching a new digital platform called LAW DIGITAL. The event, which includes many of London's leading dealers and galleries, will run from 3 - 10 July and be online-only.

Several dealers and galleries reopened their doors yesterday as part of the UK's exit from lockdown, with many offering appointment only visits. One imagines that pre-arranged visits and viewings will be possible during these July dates.

In addition, they have organised a rather interesting live panel discussion tomorrow on the subject of our fascination for portraiture. Face to Face will include contributions from An Van Camp (Ashmolean Museum), Andreas Pampoulides (Lullo Pampoulides), Olivia Ghosh (Christie's) and Matthew Reeves (Sam Fogg). The event will be broadcast on Wednesday 17 June 2020 at 17.00pm (BST). The online discussion is free to join but registration is required.

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