Museums Reopening (ctd.)

June 30 2020

Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

Details have been released today that the National Gallery in London will be reopening from 8th July 2020. Even better news is that the London-leg of the Titian exhibition, which closed three days after opening in March, will be extended till 17 January 2021.

The BBC reports the following:

Visitors will be asked to follow one-way routes around the building, and to keep to 2m social distancing. The gallery said "higher efficiency filters" have been installed in the air-conditioning system to help the flow of fresh air. Face masks will be "recommended" for visitors.

It seems that free booked timeslots will be required, although no specific details are supplied.

The Wallace Collection have already announced that it will be reopening on 15th July (booking required). The Royal Academy will be opening from 9th July (facemasks required). The Tate Museums have expressed that they will wait until the 27th July to reopen all four museums. The British Museum is yet to release a reopening date.

Further afield, the MET in New York plans to reopen on 29 August; The Louvre in Paris will be reopening 6th July; and the Prado in Madrid reopened on 5th June.

Update This image of the three one-way routes available when the National Gallery reopens has been circulating online. Which one would you take?

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