Previous Posts: August 2020
Beirut Devastation
August 7 2020
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The world has been shocked by Tuesday's devastating explosion in Beirut, Lebanon, which has thus far claimed 137 lives, left thousands injured and many more homeless.
The ARCA Blog, which focuses on Art Crime, has posted pictures purporting to show the interiors of the Sursock Palace in Beirut after the blast. The Sursock Palace, still in private hands but connected to the Sursock Museum network, was built in the nineteenth century and contains a historic collection of art and furniture.
It seems that the blast has not only shattered windows spraying glass everywhere, but that some of the roofs and ceilings of the rooms have also caved in. There are some images of paintings that have perished in their frames. One in particular seems to show a painting which has been hit by so much glass that it has been sliced off of its relining canvas (?).
The Fitzwilliam Museum is Hiring!
August 7 2020

Picture: The Fitzwilliam Museum
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The University of Cambridge Museums is hiring a Research and Engagement Fellow. This fixed term contract will be specifically be engaged in researching the legacies of empire and colonialism in the University's museum's collections, which includes the Fitzwilliam Museum.
As their advert explains:
This post provides an opportunity for an early-career researcher with an interest in public engagement to work across the University of Cambridge Museums and (UCM) to deliver a programme exploring the legacies of empire and colonialism within our collections. Underpinning the programme is a commitment to opening the history of our collections to interrogation from a range of perspectives and using them as an opportunity for examining challenging topics, our existing collections and programming practice, and building dialogue and connections with our diverse stakeholders and audiences.
The role carries a salary of £32,816 - £40,322. Applications must be in by 4th September 2020.
Good luck if you're applying!
British Museum Reopening
August 7 2020

Picture: The British Museum
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The British Museum in London is set to reopen on 27th August 2020. This had been the museum's longest peace time closure in its 281 year history.
Visitors who wish to visit will need to pre-book one of the 2,000 tickets available for each day. This must be drastically less than the amount that usually visit this important London cultural institution. One wonders what sort of social distancing will be in place around the museum's most famous treasures, including the Rosetta Stone etc.
It's not entirely clear if the museum's Prints and Drawings Department will be reopening in due course either.
MET Lays Off 79 Employees
August 7 2020
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
More grim news from the museum sector in the US. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York has laid off 79 employees due to the virus crisis. It had already let 81 employees go from its visitor service and retails departments in April. 93 employees have also taken early retirement packages. These drastic cuts are due to the fact that the museum is reported to be facing a budget deficit of $150m.
The museum is hoping to reopen to the public on 29th August. However, this may be pushed back if the state does not lift its prohibition on museums reopening.
Chatsworth Archives wins Digitising Grant
August 6 2020

Picture: Chatsworth
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
Good news that the Devonshire Archives at Chatsworth have won a Cataloguing Grant from the National Archives and Pilgrim Trust to work on creating online catalogues for six of their most important collections.
The project will digitise sixteenth century accounts relating to Bess of Hardwick and other eighteenth and nineteenth century materials. The announcement seems to suggest documents relating to the famous Devonshire Art Collection will also be digitised (pictured), which is exciting news for picture researchers.
Keep Your Distance
August 5 2020

Picture: Twitter via. @anjdunning
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
Medieval manuscripts scholar Andrew Dunning posted these pictures showing how the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford is finding new ways to make the drudgery of signage more amusing. I've spotted a few other examples in Germany too, which shows that Old Masters can be a source for continual good humour during these uncertain times.
If any readers of AHN have snaps of other museums doing this, do get in touch.
Black Presence at the Uffizi
August 5 2020
Ritratto di quattro servitori della corte mediceaIl dipinto di Anton Domenico Gabbiani, conservato alla Galleria Palatina a Palazzo Pitti, rappresenta "varj Ritratti di alcuni giovani di barbare nazioni, che stavano alla corte del Gran Duca Cosimo III., cioè Mori, Tartari, Cosacchi, ecc. vari Cortigiani di basso servizio, e tra gli altri vedesi un Nano, che tiene nelle mani un piatto con alcune foglie fresche di Spinaci, per così denotare l’inclinazione particolare in riferire gli altrui fatti, nel che fare spiccava sopra d’ogni altro”. Così veniva descritta l'opera dal biografo del pittore. Justin Randolph Thompson, Direttore del Black History Month Florence, ci spiega il ruolo di queste figure all'interno della corte medicea e sopratutto del personaggio africano presente nel dipinto. #BlackPresence In collaborazione con Black History Month Florence BHMF Sottotitoli in italiano disponibili attivando l'opzione dalle Impostazioni.
Posted by Gallerie degli Uffizi on Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Video: Uffizi Gallery
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The Uffizi Gallery in Florence has begun a weekly series entitled 'Black Presence' on its Facebook channel. Each week viewers will get the chance to watch a short video explaining more behind the black figures that appear in various paintings. It is very encouraging to see that the Uffizi is branching out into digital media platforms, especially as they are one of the last major museums in Europe without a good online collections database.
The Wall Street Journal has recently published an article on the mixed reactions the feature is receiving. Alas, I cannot read it due to the paywall!
Update - Due to a very kind reader, I've now had the opportunity to read the above article. It explains more behind the media initiative, and highlights that the videos have drawn a small protest from a local far-right group.
Finnish National Collection Digitised
August 4 2020

Picture: Finnish National Gallery
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
Just a quick note to say that the Finnish National Gallery have done a rather good job of their digitised online collections database. I came across it earlier whilst doing some research and was pleasantly surprised how easy it is to use. The images available are very zoomable too. There are lots of interesting pictures to be found within, absolute catnip to art lovers who enjoy scrolling through such things.
The above portrait caught my attention. This unidentified and unattributed portrait of a young girl reminds me of the work of the Nuremberg painter Lorenz Strauch. But, I may be misguided.
Reynolds Letter Up For Auction
August 4 2020

Picture: LiveAuctioneers
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
A letter written by Sir Joshua Reynolds is coming up for auction in Boston later this month. Written to an unknown recipient, it describes there the whereabouts of his portrait of Nancy Reynolds and a Pieta by Palma Giovanne for which he asks 20 guineas. As William Boothby is described as the owner of the Nancy Reynolds picture, it may well related to this fine portrait that sold for £62,500 at Sotheby's in 2013.
The letter carries an estimate of $2,000 - $3,000. If it makes the top estimate, then this might be a third of the way towards purchasing a low-end Reynolds. Alternatively, much closer to purchasing this handsome studio piece which made $5,000 two years ago.
MFA Boston Lays Off 57 Employees
August 4 2020

Picture: MFA Boston
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has announced that it has laid-off 57 employees with an additional 56 employees taking voluntary retirement. The gallery has projected a $12m - $14m loss due to the covid crisis.
The American Alliance of Museums has suggested that one out of three museums in the USA might not reopen after the crisis.
San Pier Maggiore Project
August 4 2020
Video: University of Cambridge
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
Here's a fascinating digital art and architectural project. The University of Cambridge and partners have been undertaking a fascinating digital reconstruction of the lost church of San Pier Maggiore in Florence. Built in the years around 1300, the Church was once home to many important fourteenth century Italian artworks now dispersed around the globe. Visitors to Florence will be able to use their smart phone or tablet to enter a 3D visualisation app called Hidden Florence 3D: San Pier Maggiore.
$2.5 bn Revenue - 25% Down on 2019 - at Sotheby's
August 3 2020

Picture: ArtMarketMonitor
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
Art Market have published an interesting article exploring the recently published figures from the auction house Sotheby's.
Some of the headline figures:
- The sales volume to date (1st Jan - 31st July 2020) was $2.5 bn.
- The above figure is down 25% on 2019's figures of $3.3 bn. This fall is blamed on the covid crisis.
- Online sales increased by 540% in the first seven months of 2020 compared to the same period in 2019.
- E-Commerce Retail is up 48% in transaction volume on the same period in 2019.
- Average lot value was over $20,000 on live and digital platforms, a figure that is double the average of those in 2019.
- 'Millennial buyers' (under age of 40) now account for 30% of total clients, with 30% of clients being new buyers.
- Strong results from the Asia Market with results totalling $450 m.
Art History Socks
August 3 2020

Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
AHN has a long history of bringing readers only the best art history related ephemera.
Curator Socks are "socks inspired by masterpieces".
In their own words:
Curator Socks draws its inspiration from the beauty and emotion of some of the greatest masterpieces ever created. We reinterpret strokes, color, and styles to transform iconic works of art into a beautifully knitted canvas that you can wear and take with you everywhere.
Artists on offer include Caravaggio (pictured), Klimt, Van Gogh, Manet, Leonardo, Bruegel, and the list goes on... The Turner set, which pushes the boundary of the term 'inspired by' to the limit, are my favourite.
Tourist Breaks Canova Toes During Selfie
August 3 2020

Picture: @perchetendenza
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
News from the Museo Canova in Possagno that the plaster model for artist's Paolina Borghese has had its toes broken. The damage was caused last Friday by the posterior of a tourist who was attempting to take a selfie with the plaster figure. The individual involved, who has been called a 'vandal' by the Italian press, fled the scene and is yet to be apprehended.
Update - The tourist who was involved in the toe-breaking incident has handed himself in to the authorities. Here is the CCTV video of the incident.
Van Eyck's Mystic Lamb
August 3 2020

Picture: Ars Technica
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
ArtNews have published an article on the news that researchers from Antwerp and Washington have come out in support of the restoration of Van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece. Experts from the University of Antwerp and the National Gallery of Art in Washington have asserted that the restored image of the Mystic Lamb is consistent with its original 15th century depiction. The restoration shocked several figures in the art world when it was unveiled last year (pictured).
This article by Ars Technica provides lots of interesting images of the conservation work conducted on the picture, including infrared scans etc.
Mattia Preti back in Malta
August 3 2020

Picture: Times Malta
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
The Maltese Government has acquired a painting that came up for sale in January at Sotheby's. Mattia Preti's Boethius Consoled by Philosophy was once part of the collection held in the Grand Master's Palace in Valetta. The above watercolour by Charles de Brocktorff shows the painting hanging in the rooms of the palace.
Times of Malta has published an article which describes the circumstances how the picture became known to the authorities there. The article claims that the picture 'mysteriously disappeared' from the palace in Valetta a century ago. In 2007 the art historian Theresa Vella began to look into what happened to the work for it then to reappear earlier this year at auction. The Sotheby's catalogue notes indicate it ended up in the collection of a historical society in Ohio before being sold at auction in 1992.
The picture was bought by the Maltese authorities for $1.46m (inc. fees) at the January Old Masters Sale in New York.