Previous Posts: October 2024

The Invention of British Art - trailer!

October 1 2024

Video: BG

Hi everyone, here's a trailer for The Invention of British Art, which is out next week (October 10th). It's available for pre-order now, through all the usual places (and ideally, your local bookshop!).

Advanced copies will be sold by Waterstones at the Cheltenham Literature Festival, where I'll be speaking on October 7th. 

James Cumberlidge Reidentified

October 1 2024

Image of James Cumberlidge Reidentified


Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

The Yale Center for British Art's curator Edward Town has shared a fascinating piece of research on his Instagram account. The project relates to the reidentification of a household servant which features in Chatsworth's 'Portrait of Lord Burlington with family' by Baptist van Loo. James Cumberlidge, whose descendants worked for the family into the nineteenth century, was rediscovered after research into payments was conducted (see the link for more details). The painting features in Chatsworth's Picturing Childhood exhibition which closes on 6th October 2024.

Update - Here's the full article which you can read on Chatsworth's website regarding Town's research on the painting.

Impulse Rembrandt. Teacher, Strategist, Bestseller in Leipzig

October 1 2024

Image of Impulse Rembrandt. Teacher, Strategist, Bestseller in Leipzig


Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

The Museum der bildenden Künste in Leipzig will be opening their latest Old Masters exhibition in two day's time. Impulse Rembrandt. Teacher, Strategist, Bestseller promises to chart Rembrandt's 'brand'.

According to the blurb on their website:

With around 140 paintings, drawings and etchings by Rembrandt and his pupils, the exhibition Impulse Rembrandt offers insight into the artist’s creative work and one of the largest workshop operations of 17th century Dutch painting. It explores Rembrandt’s fascinating ability to pass on idiosyncrasies of his painting style and at the same time promote the artistic individuality of his pupils. Between 1625 and 1665, Rembrandt attracted more young artistic talent from Holland and Europe than did any other painter in Amsterdam.

The exhibition is based on the museum’s own collection, which includes works by Rembrandt’s pupils and contemporaries such as Jan Lievens, Ferdinand Bol, Gerbrand van den Eeckhout, Aert de Gelder and others, but no paintings by Rembrandt himself [the picture above is attributed to Rembrandt's workshop, by the way]. Only one confirmed drawing along with etchings by the artist are in the MdbK’s Collection of Prints and Drawings. It is thus all the more delightful that, thanks to generous loans from museums in Amsterdam, London, Stockholm, Vienna and Paris as well as German collections, around 60 paintings, drawings and etchings by Rembrandt can be presented.

The exhibition will run from 3rd October 2024 until 26th January 2025.


It seems like a journey to this exhibition must be co-organised with a trip to Vienna to see the KHM's upcoming Rembrandt - Hoogstraten show which opens on 8th October 2024!

Woof in King's Lynn

October 1 2024

Image of Woof in King's Lynn

Picture: Lynn Museum

Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

Hot on the paws of the Wallace Collection's wildly successful 2023 dog exhibition is the Lynn Museum in Norfolk's new show entitled Woof: A Celebration of Dogs which opens today.

According the museum's website:

Drawing on Norfolk Museums Service's extensive collections, alongside significant loans, the exhibition includes natural history, archaeology, and art works of both local and national importance - including works by renowned artists Sir Edwin Landseer, Andy Warhol and David Hockney.

Probably the first animal to be domesticated, dogs have been our constant companions for many millennia building an extraordinary bond with humans. Discover how ancient artefacts depicted dogs or wolves from myth and legend including a Roman coin, an Egyptian cartonnage (part of the coffin for a mummy), and an Anglo-Saxon urn.

Explore how artists have celebrated dogs in their role as pets and companions or portrayed their noble and symbolic qualities - from a tender painting of a spaniel curled up in the lap of a young girl, to Andy Warhol's colourful pop-art portrait of a friend's pooch, to a Newfoundland famous for his life-saving exploits.

The show will run until 29th June 2025 - providing readers with ample opportunity to discover the surrounding areas of King's Lynn too!

Early Rediscovered Poussin coming up at Ader

October 1 2024

Image of Early Rediscovered Poussin coming up at Ader

Picture: Artnet

Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

Artnet have shared news of an early rediscovered Poussin which is coming up for sale at the French auction house Ader later in November. Vénus Épiée par Deux Satyres, which was researched with the assistance of Eric Turquin and featured in an exhibition last year in Lyons, will carry an estimate of 'up to €1m'.

Dorotheum Sale

October 1 2024

Image of Dorotheum Sale

Picture: Dorotheum

Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

The Dorotheum in Vienna have recently published their upcoming Old Masters sale online. As usual, there are many interesting and fascinating lots to browse through. The sale will take place on 22nd October 2024.

Torcuato Ruiz del Peral Exhibition in Granada

October 1 2024

Image of Torcuato Ruiz del Peral Exhibition in Granada


Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:

A new exhibition has recently opened at the Museo de Bellas Artes de Granada celebrating the career of the sculptor Torcuato Ruiz del Peral (1708-1773). Considered one of the last great sculptors in the grand Baroque manner, the show draws on works from private and public institutions in order to mark the 250th anniversary of his death.

The display will run until 5th January 2025.

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