Freud's Auerbachs acquired by the UK
May 21 2014

Picture: Arts Council
Lucien Freud's collection of 15 oil paintings (and 29 works on paper) by Frank Auerbach has been acquired by the UK through the Acceptance in Lieu scheme. The pictures, including Head of Gerda Boehm (above), will be on display at the Manchester Art Gallery first, and then Tate Britain. Then, decisions will be made as to which institutions will get them on a permanent basis. So - curators - get your bids in, if you're interested... More details here.
The inheritance tax foregone by the Treasury amounts to £16.2m, and this makes it the biggest ever deal done in the 100 year history of the AIL scheme. Happily, the government recently increased the annual limit on works that the AIL programme can handle (along with the new Cultural Gifts scheme), to £40m. The deal is more evidence, despite the frequent complaining one hears, that the public acquisition process in the UK is in unusually rude health.