Test your connoisseurship - Spot the Copy
June 3 2020
Picture: Christie's & Indianapolis Museum of Art
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
Following on from my Reynolds post last week, here is another fun chance for readers of AHN to hone their connoisseurship skills. The upcoming Christie's Old Masters sale in NY contains a copy of Rembrandt's Portrait of the Artist c.1629, the prime version of which is in the Indianapolis Museum of Art. The Christie's copy is catalogued as by the 'Studio of Rembrandt' with an estimate of $40,000 - $60,000.
Here is a high resolution image of both works side by side, so that you can challenge yourself to spot the copy.
Once you've worked out which is which, follow these links to the Christie's copy and the Indianapolis Museum of Art prime version to find out if you're right.