Uffizi Gallery and Pitti Palace Digitise 6 Gigapixel Raphaels
February 25 2021

Picture: haltadefinizione.com
Posted by Adam Busiakiewicz:
Florence's Uffizi Gallery and Pitti Palace have digitised six of their Raphaels to gigapixel quality onto the website haltadefinizione.com. This includes the following pictures, Ritratto di giovane con pomo (1504 circa), Madonna del Granduca (1506 - 1507 circa), Ritratto di Tommaso Inghirami detto Fedra (1510 - 1511 circa, Velata (1512 - 1515 circa) (pictured), Ritratto del Cardinale Bibbiena (1516 circa) and San Giovanni Battista nel deserto (1517 - 1518 circa).
The results are quite remarkable, and will allow you to zoom right into the most minute details. The website is free to use, although you'll have to make do with a watermark following you around. Still impressive though, I think!